Birds of Southeastern Arizona

A compact, photographic field guide for southeastern Arizona, a birding mecca for rare and vagrant birds from Mexico. Over 410 species, including the Mexican rarities, are described by Rick Taylor, a local expert on the birds of Arizona. Over 600 stunning color photographs, most by regional photographers illustrate the birds. Organized in our best-selling format: Description, Similar Species, Voice, Status, Habitat, Behavior and Noteworthy. The unique ten habitats of southeastern Arizona are described in six pages along with a Habitat Map. Unique color-coded elevation charts make it easy for amateur and expert birdwatchers to know what seasons, elevations and locations are typical for the birds. A Quick Guide to Local Birds, at the front of the book, provides an easy reference to the pages that provide a complete description of the different birds.

3 thoughts on “Birds of Southeastern Arizona”

  1. So much information in such a compact guide First, a disclosure. I have birded with Mr. Taylor during several field trips and know him to be a veritable encyclopedia of the birds of SE Arizona. His knowledge of the birds and their preferred habitats shows through in this compact but very informative guide. Great color photos, including male/female and adult/juvenile images where needed, will help all but the most experienced birders use this guide in the field. The compact size makes this easy to carry along. What I particularly like…

  2. This S.E. Az. book is full of pictures, info and so interesting I bought this book because a gal friend of mine has it and last week while visiting,she brought it out and I couldn’t stop looking up birds in S.E.As- I grew up in Ct so I don know many birds out here- but I am learning now!

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