Pine Tree 8004 Nutsie Classic Seed Log, 96-Ounce

This is a great source of energy and attracts a variety of birds. Contains mixed tree nuts, peanuts, sunflower hearts, pecans, dried fruit and gelatin. This product comes in 96-ounce.

Product Features

  • Nutsie classic seed log
  • Contains mixed tree nuts, peanuts, sunflower hearts, pecans, dried fruit and gelatin
  • Great source of energy
  • Attracts a variety of birds
  • This product comes in 96-ounce

3 thoughts on “Pine Tree 8004 Nutsie Classic Seed Log, 96-Ounce”

  1. Lasts a long time but 3 stars for the lack of birds. I’ll start by saying I live in southern California near the base of the San Bernardino mountains since that will give anyone reading this an idea of what birds are in my area. I have two feeders one with Sunflower seeds and the one that uses the seed logs. When I first put the Nutsie log out the birds would land on it peck a few times then move over to the Sunflower seeds so When that feeder ran out I just waited to see if the birds would go after the log and although they have it’s now more…

  2. Fantastic! I LUV this log! The 96 ounce is extremely large, densely packed with large nuts for my feathered friends. The woodpeckers adore this, including the Pileated, so do the nuthatches, chickadees, grosbeaks & blue jays. I live way out in the country so have to bring this in at night due to raccoons but it’s worth every penny & lasts about 2-3 weeks. I have the feeder that holds this & hangs from a hook…One small thing though, if it rains bring this in as the gelatin tends to melt & then it gets…

  3. Birds LOVE these Seed Logs! I have one of these up at all times. They last a long time and you don’t have to fill the bird feeder! Birds of all kinds love these nut and seed logs. I have woodpeckers down to the smallest nuthatches feeding from these logs. You will not be disappointed with this seed log. Be sure to buy the hangar the log fits on and a clear squirrel baffle over it protects it from becoming the squirrel’s favorite seed log!

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