Invite martins to colonize in your yard with the S&K 16 Room Purple Martin House Package. This fantastic package includes everything you need to host a purple martin colony in your backyard. After you finish assembling the S&K Purple Martin…

Invite martins to colonize in your yard with the S&K 16 Room Purple Martin House Package. This fantastic package includes everything you need to host a purple martin colony in your backyard. After you finish assembling the S&K Purple Martin…
This Birds Choice purple martin house has traditional round access holes, twelve perfectly sized nesting compartments, completely made from aluminum material. Matching pole for this house is Birds Choice Heavy Duty Telescoping Pole, PMHD12. Base Plate is included with the…
PURPLE MARTIN BIRD HOUSE WITH 12 COMPARTMENTS WESTERN RED CEDAR made from 1/2 cedar inside and out Product Features: 12 room deluxe purple martin house Includes protective rails Hand made,Constructed of tough, Western Red Cedar Easy to clean – remove…
New and improved design with easy cleaning. There are 12 rooms in this beautiful upscale cedar wood martin house. Mounting pole sold separately. How to clean your wood martin house locate the 2 screws on the side of the house.…
The 18-room Deluxe Aluminum Purple Martin House features a durable, hexagonal design. Lightweight aluminum construction makes this house easier to raise and lower than wooden houses, and also keeps the inside temperature cool for Purple Martins. Each home includes door…
Bird House- Red Robin Birds, Bluebird house, Purple Martin, Finch, Cardinal bird, wild bird, even a Woody Woodpecker birdhouse! Made in USA by WoodSmith, from all natural western red cedar wood. Add some life to your yard today! Discover How…
Proudly display your bird chalet. Purple Martin Birdhouse Telescopic Mounting Pole. This Mounting Pole is made specifically for S & K Purple Martin Houses, but can also be used as a flag pole, for hanging lights, or even to hold…
The 24-room Deluxe Aluminum Purple Martin House features a durable, hexagonal design. Lightweight aluminum construction makes this house easier to raise and lower than wooden houses, and also keeps the inside temperature cool for Purple Martins. Each home includes door…