The Hummingbird Book: The Complete Guide to Attracting, Identifying, and Enjoying Hummingbirds

Attract amazing hummingbirds to your backyard! With this comprehensive, beautifully illustrated guide, you’ll find it easy to attract these tiny jewel-like birds to your own yard. The Stokes Hummingbird Book provides all the information you need to bring hummingbirds up close, identify them, and understand their fascinating and varied behavior. The book includes: * Range maps and full-color photographs to help you identify and locate hummingbirds * Information on how to select the proper feeders, what to use in them, when to put them up, and when to take them down * Advice on what flowers to plant to attract hummingbirds in your part of the country * Amazing facts about hummingbirds, such as how fast they fly and how much they weigh * Guidelines for photographing hummingbirds * Complete information on hummingbird behavior, including flight displays, breeding habits, and feeding * A special section on attracting orioles, with photographs and behavior guides for each of the eight species found in North America * A resource list for hummingbird supplies.

Product Features

  • First Edition, 1989. Glossy Paperback.
  • Donald & Lillian Stokes, Authors.
  • Little, Brown and Company, Publishers.
  • Color illustrations. Hummingbirds.

3 thoughts on “The Hummingbird Book: The Complete Guide to Attracting, Identifying, and Enjoying Hummingbirds”

  1. False information that could kill Hummingbirds This had a 2nd copyright of 1989. It was not up to date with what scientist have discovered about getting rid of ants and wasp. Using Vaseline, sticky substances should not be used. If the Hummingbirds gets this on their wings, it causes feathers to stick and they can’t fly. If they can’t fly, they can’t eat and cats, dogs and other animals prey on them. Tying a rag around top of the feeder with hornet and wasp poison will kill the Hummers if they touch it. Buying red color Hummingbird…

  2. Love stokes books. Especially this one. I like stokes books a lot. I’m ten years old. My mother had 2 stokes books already and one day I was looking at the back of one and I saw this one so I asked my mom to get it for my birthday. Came late but the wait was worth it. This book tells you everything about the hummingbirds and I mean everything. So if you are a hummingbird lover you have to get this book.

  3. Many more type of Hummingbirds than I knew about Enjoyed reading about them especially the myths. I envisioned them flying south on the backs of Canadian Geese! which was exposed as a myth. I live in an apartment so only have a little balcony to hang a feeder on but thrilled when I saw my first hummers at the feeder! I bought two identical feeders so I could take one down to clean and hang up a full one while doing that. Beautifully illustrated book.

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