The Backyard Bird Feeder’s Bible: The A-to-Z Guide To Feeders, Seed Mixes, Projects And Treats (Rodale Organic Gardening Books)

“It happens to the best of us–it’s the height of feeder season, the yard is filled with customers, and you realize the birdseed can is empty. I learned my solution at my mother’s knee–ransack the kitchen for anything remotely edible! Stale bread, withered fruit, and peanut butter are all fine fill-in-the-gap foods.”

Pull up a chair next to the window looking out on your bird feeder and join author Sally Roth in an informative, inspirational, and often light-hearted look at the foods, feeders, and plants that invite birds to visit your feeding station. From fast foods and freezer treats to innovative ways of serving up leftovers, you’ll find plenty of creative ideas for keeping your feeders filled when hungry birds are crowding the perches. Sally shares a lifetime’s worth of bird-feeding experiences, including:

– which foods attract which birds
– helpful hints on choosing and maintaining feeders
– the best bird-attracting frutis and flowers to plant
– and much, much more!

You’ll learn about the birds that visit feeders, too: how to identify them, how they behave, and which feeder foods they like the best. What’s more, you’ll discover a wealth of tips for turning your landscape into a bird haven that will ring with birdsong all year long. On every page of The Backyard Birdfeeder’s Bible, Sally Roth shows you how to make your bird-feeding efforts more satisfying, more successful, and definitely more fun. Put her knowledge to work in your yard and enjoy the endlessly fascinating beauty of wild birds.

3 thoughts on “The Backyard Bird Feeder’s Bible: The A-to-Z Guide To Feeders, Seed Mixes, Projects And Treats (Rodale Organic Gardening Books)”

  1. EXCELLENT RESOURCE This is a fantastic book for the novice bird enthusiasts to the expert! Everything is included: flower types, small projects, pictures, everything! A must have!!! Birds will be flocking to your back yard after reading this book! The neighbors will watch with amazement! I was amazed at the number of tips and easy to-do projects that were included. Makes a great gift!!!

  2. Worth every penny. Back in the glory days of The Tonight Show, Johnny would read from a list or a book and then Ed would say, “Everything you could ever want to know about……. is in that book.” Of course Ed would always get shot down for there was still more to know and while I am sure there are things about bird feeding that are not in this book, I doubt there is much that can not be found here. Sally Roth has done an outstanding job of putting together what could indeed be considered the Bible of…

  3. The BEST guidebook for feeding, projects and gardening ideas This is the best bird feeding book I have found. Great for new home owners, great for the family. This is the only book you need to begin or learn new tips on feeding. I was thrilled with the gardening tips, and the creative projects. From making feeders, making seed mixes on a budget, and using leftovers, Sally Roth covers all aspects of feeding and what you can attract to your yard. What sold me on this book, and the reason why I am buying five more for my friends, is how the author…

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