Lovey Dovey Diamond Dovehouse

*** This dove house is intended to be placed under an eave. *** As an alternative to our “Lovey Dovey Original Dovehouse”, this dove house is perfect if you’re looking for something more compact and more affordable. We’ve had great success with doves nesting in this dove house. It will require cleaning occasionally, as the chances of doves re-nesting is higher with a clean nesting area. —– TO SEE MORE DETAILED PHOTOS, VIDEOS, AND INFORMATION RELATED TO HAVING DOVES NEST IN THESE DOVE HOUSES, PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: (WWW.LOVEYDOVEYBIRDHOUSES.COM) —–

Product Features

  • Designed, manufactured, and shipped in the United States
  • Made with cedar and stained with 100% bio-based eco-friendly wood stain
  • Cute & Compact. Half the size of our “Lovey Dovey Original Dovehouse”
  • Proven to attract doves (Doves will nest in these dove houses!)
  • Nesting tips, photos, & videos available on our website (

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